Month: September 2014

We are all completely in denial

Aside from the fact that we don’t feel good in our skin at times, we rather like to knock it into our brains an excuse to risk exposing us from the truth. Recently, I finished reading a book on my kindle, The Rosie Project, by Graeme Simsion. The main protagonist, Don Tilman suffers from Aspergers Syndrome and as a result, lives life through schedules, lists and rules which appears to limit any freedom. However, how can there be any fun, any risk if we do not break these rules? If anything, Don Tilman is the very definition of anti-hero. There is indeed a particular passage in the book that is so bittersweet, heartbreaking and lovely all at the same time, and one that doesn’t just summarize the book brilliantly, but is true to every one of our insecurities: ” And it dawned on me that I had not designed the questionnaire to find a woman I could accept, but to find someone who might accept me”. (page 246) Deep huh? My heart sank a bit …