Month: July 2018

26 Life Lessons at 26

Note: my birthday was last month. Some of the sentences won’t make as much sense time-wise because I wrote them on the week of my birthday but let’s just stick to it, shall we? My birthday surpassed a few weeks ago and to make things ironic, I am writing about some life lessons that I’ve acquired through the years. That’s right – I’m 26 this year! (Not that I can believe it myself but I don’t flinch when I say this. Side note – I still feel like I’m 21!) Some of these will be through coming-of-age, others through the university/trying to adult stage but I’m sure majority will be from the true ‘adulting’ experience. Enjoy! 1. Learning to Accept Compliments I used to be that awkward child who was so modest whenever I heard any compliments towards me that I wonder if I ever believed them myself. Probably not whereas now I say thank you every time I hear one. ‘You have really good hair!’…‘Oh really?’…Er…yeah, why would you doubt that? 2. Saying ‘No’ High school me …

The Sunday Catch-Up #4 | General Life Update

It’s July now and as I was checking the last time I made a post in this series, it was actually last July. How crazy is that? I have no idea what happened but I’m bringing the series back into play! Sundays are probably my most chilled out day where I can make some time for writing a post at the moment so I’ll try and make that an aim this month. I know I’ve been rubbish with updating the blog in the last couple of weeks and truthfully, I don’t know where else to fit the time except Sundays. Though of course – I haven’t posted in three weeks which in blogging terms is a long time but please bare with me as I transition into a new path in life. (Read below) Note: Just so you know – I have still been reading blog posts! There are some comments I need to reply to though so I’ll get to that today too – sorry for the delayed response! In case you didn’t know… I started …