Month: February 2019

Why + How Dry Shampoo Could Be Damaging Your Hair (and Scalp)

There were a number of ways that I wanted to title this. In part, this is a celebratory post because I’ve noticed just how comfortable my hair and scalp has been feeling. It has taken many months – maybe even a year – but I’m feeling better than ever. If you haven’t been following you can read my initial post, Why I Stopped Using Dry Shampoo. There, I tell you a brief history about my hair, and then the problems that I encountered when I started to use dry shampoo which led to my hair and scalp issues. I was happy to have shared the post because I didn’t realise just how impactful it’d be and truthfully, it was nice to know I wasn’t the only one suffering. So please, I urge you to read it especially if you do use dry shampoo – you might just be saving your hair and scalp from all the problems that I had. Note: You should ought to read this article too. Shortly after discovering how much my issues have healed over time, …

January Monthly Favourites | 2019

It has been so long since I have drafted up a monthly favourites post! I’m giving this series a re-boot which is refreshing for me because I have been meaning to share my love for a couple of products. I originally stopped this series this time last year actually due to the fact that I was running out of new favourites that had not already been mentioned on the blog. I was basically rotating my favourites around for months in use so it seemed pointless to continue writing them then. Now that my collection is entirely different, I’m ready to get back into the swing of posting Favourites! Featured in this post: Value Pack Cotton Soft Cotton Wool Round PadsClinique Even Better SPF 15Antipodes Kiwi Seed Oil Eye CreamSon & Park Beauty WaterMarco Tozzi Silver Sparkly Trainer Shoe The softest cotton rounds I have ever used: This duo pack is from Home Bargains. I don’t remember the exact price but they’re very, very affordable and the best cotton rounds that I have ever tried and …

One Door Closes, Another Door Opens

There’s no other way to say it so I’ll just say it. As of Tuesday, I’ve been formally dismissed from my work. I failed my probation. But don’t threat, I’m actually not in a bad mood. Yes, of course I am a little disheartened but overall this feels like a very good breakup. (It’s strange but that’s the only way that I can describe it.) I didn’t know how I would feel because quite frankly, I have never failed anything. Like ever. But somehow, I felt this huge rush of relief flow through me yesterday when the outcome had been confirmed in a confidential meeting. Considering what had imploded in the past few months, it was probably wishful-thinking to think that I was ever going to pass. I wanted to keep that hope alive though because it’d suck to exit without trying and fighting and for the person that I am, I give my 110% in everything that I do. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t but hand on my heart, I tried my …

Write Through Your Emotions

Note: You’ll figure out through reading this (if you’re an avid reader) that this is in the context of a few weeks ago. I’m posting it late anyways so enjoy. I finished season 1 of Netflix series You last night – have you watched it yet? All of my friends and colleagues have and wow, that was some next level of intense along with a couple of swear words here and there for expression. Anyways, I’ve been in a writing mood lately. Note that I said writing and not blogging. You might see some more written pieces in the next few posts…let’s say that I’m taking advantage of these moments in my life to write. I remember whilst I was still studying Fashion Design, one of the tutors was giving us a crash course lesson in draping and a tip she gave was to drape through your emotions. I think that’s what I really liked about the subject – sure it’s subjective but you could utilise your emotion to make a great thing. I firmly …