Month: October 2018

Lately on Netflix #1

For those who consistently blog whilst maintaining a 9-5 job – how do you do it? Admittedly, I have been particularly tired since entering the new season (although yay! for Autumn – my preferred season). I have been waking up around 6am and ugh – it is so dark. Luckily, I’ve booked some upcoming days off so I hope to relax my mind and catch up with more sleep as I’ve been surviving on 6 hours sleep mostly which in the summer is fine but rather wearing in the darker months. (I’ve decided that I’m never going to fix my late-night owl ways.) Anyways, I had some time to write and thought I’d kick things off by reviewing what I’ve been watching lately. I’m super late to the Netflix game – don’t ask how but let’s just say I’m glad to be on the bandwagon now. To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before I wanted to start with the most obvious one because I feel like lots of girls have been fan-girling over how cute …