All posts tagged: wellbeing

The Sunday Catch-Up #5 | Getting Back on Track

I don’t think I’ve seen my drafts box quite so low before! I don’t know if that’s necessarily a good thing or not but I’ve been clearing some of the old drafts and finally posting them so there’s that. Speaking of old, last time I wrote a post in this series was back in June and holding that thought just for a minute, I definitely think I need to do more posts like this that sprout from a stream of consciousness. There’s just something about writing what’s on your mind, in that moment, that makes me feel calm and present. Here are some of the things that have been lurking in my mind recently: New Content and Discussions Blogging has been quite stop/start for me in the latter half of 2018 but you’ll be seeing more of me soon as I aim to really discuss some new topics and let my eponymous blog grow to the potential that I want it to. I don’t mean it in a fancy way either – think of it …

Setting Up a Good Evening, Good Habits Routine

Following on from my Setting Up a Good Morning, Good Habits Routine, comes along my newly adjusted PM routine! This post will be a little less strict compared to my morning routine but nonetheless, still important since the two go hand-in-hand and can influence each other more than we know. So far, I am finding it a lot easier to adjust my evening routine, possibly because I have certain routines such as my skincare, set in place. The main adjustment I have had to make is essentially shifting everything earlier so that I’m ready for bed by a certain time. Generally speaking, evening routines are a lot more chill than morning routines because there’s less of a rush to get ready! As like the last post, I will be giving some advice on setting up an evening routine. There are tips from that post that practically apply to any habit or lifestyle change, which I won’t repeat here, but feel free to have a look at that too! Why an evening routine? It is common …

26 Life Lessons at 26

Note: my birthday was last month. Some of the sentences won’t make as much sense time-wise because I wrote them on the week of my birthday but let’s just stick to it, shall we? My birthday surpassed a few weeks ago and to make things ironic, I am writing about some life lessons that I’ve acquired through the years. That’s right – I’m 26 this year! (Not that I can believe it myself but I don’t flinch when I say this. Side note – I still feel like I’m 21!) Some of these will be through coming-of-age, others through the university/trying to adult stage but I’m sure majority will be from the true ‘adulting’ experience. Enjoy! 1. Learning to Accept Compliments I used to be that awkward child who was so modest whenever I heard any compliments towards me that I wonder if I ever believed them myself. Probably not whereas now I say thank you every time I hear one. ‘You have really good hair!’…‘Oh really?’…Er…yeah, why would you doubt that? 2. Saying ‘No’ High school me …

The Sunday Catch-Up #4 | General Life Update

It’s July now and as I was checking the last time I made a post in this series, it was actually last July. How crazy is that? I have no idea what happened but I’m bringing the series back into play! Sundays are probably my most chilled out day where I can make some time for writing a post at the moment so I’ll try and make that an aim this month. I know I’ve been rubbish with updating the blog in the last couple of weeks and truthfully, I don’t know where else to fit the time except Sundays. Though of course – I haven’t posted in three weeks which in blogging terms is a long time but please bare with me as I transition into a new path in life. (Read below) Note: Just so you know – I have still been reading blog posts! There are some comments I need to reply to though so I’ll get to that today too – sorry for the delayed response! In case you didn’t know… I started …

May in Progress

As I began a new job position this week, I managed to squeeze in some free time in the evening to write this post! So far so good – I’m in a really happy place at the moment and I can’t wait to update you more on this new part of my life but for now, my May in Progress! General Lifestyle I’m generally more mindful of everything that I do now and therefore making more rational lifestyle choices. For example, if I’ve already had a cup of tea, I would perhaps have another one a few hours later but never a third. In addition to the last point, I am reading more information on food packets, on different fitness regimes etc. in order to get me thinking about these different areas. Although I’m not necessarily counting my calories or my steps, accumulated actions do have consequences and I’m thinking more about that. This has actually really helped ease bad habits and phase them out. Thinking about it now, my mood has been mostly neutral …