Month: March 2015

Special Thanks to ‘M’

It is no surprise that everyone goes through a ‘phase’, at which half the time, you find that it is a personal battle. Otherwise, it is a state of growing up and well, a part of life which eventually, you move on from. Things can only truly get better. And when you’re really young, you take such statement for granted and think of the worse, when in reality, the ‘worse’ has barely touched you. Now, I realise things can only truly get better…the best is yet to come. Of course, growing up and becoming an actual ‘adult’ takes time to feed on. Even I am just about getting used to it all. Sounds silly, right? But there is one thing that I’ve learned and that I want to share on this blog. I used to be a really quiet and shy kid. Admittedly, I still am that person because that will never go away but I’ve developed into someone being more sure of herself. I remember about two or three years after finishing high school, …