Month: September 2015

Being the Only Creative in your Group of Friends

It’s a gloomy Monday, and needless to say, it rained. All day. Okay, maybe a little exaggeration but you get the picture. So nothing new there for British weather, as it’s meant to rain now for the rest of the week. Anyways, how’s everyone? I hope well 🙂 Today’s post is very different to my usual posts (or at least what I have posted so far) but nonetheless, has always been relevant to my being. I am telling it like it is. How it was, and how it (sort of) still is. Just as the title describes. I suppose it’s nothing new actually but I do feel that people never talk about it (i.e. like the elephant in the room). I think I have always been creative, although I was equally very good at school and did well academically. But most of this was on my own. Being creative I mean. I was always interested in crafty things, and just seeing how things worked, held together…the tricks of the trade. Maybe it was just a hobby at …

To New Beginnings!

It’s September again. I’ve actually missed Autumn. At the very least, I always feel that it’s way more promising than the “summer” we have here in the UK…but aside from that, I’ve missed it. I like being cosy, hot drinks and beanie hats. Although I will miss the long hours of daylight which made me feel like I had more time, something that I always think I don’t have enough of! This month starting has already been productive enough. I say that like I am lazy but I am very temperamental in that I really like to do things in a flow of positive energy. Most recently? My energy levels are flowing alright. My brain likes to run at 100mph and ideas are springing from the most bizarre of places. It’s interesting how I feel dictates the work I end up creating. Last winter, was a rather sluggish one…I worked but it took much more effort to get things going, but unfortunately, even in situations like those, you have to make-do. It is actually around …