Month: February 2020

#Selfcare Sunday Series | Getting Over my Anxiety for Driving

Disclaimer: This post purely writes of my own personal experience. It does not define anxiety and its entirety because everyone’s experience is just that: personal. Whilst I don’t think my content would be triggering for anyone, I still feel obliged to add a trigger warning in case you suffer (or have suffered) from a severe form of anxiety. Lastly, you all normally are anyway, but please be respectful in the comments box. Thanks! Note: This post is lengthy. If interested, I hope you have a hot beverage accompanying you! — If there is one thing that I have really learnt in the past year, it is mindset. This time last year, I was a bit of a wreck (for reasons that actually have nothing to do with the main topic of this post). This time round, I’m in a really positive place actually and it’s been a very productive January despite everyone seemingly using the term ‘Dry January’. Sometimes, it can take as much as waking up and feeling different about the world around you. …