All posts tagged: wellbeing

April in Progress

Without a doubt, this is a late post in-the-making for today’s summary of how April went. That month is a blur to me and having just checked the date properly, I don’t even want to think about time! I honestly feel like I’ve only just come back from Hong Kong so in my mind, it is still technically February. 😂 The bipolar weather doesn’t help either – we had a fantastically glorious bank holiday weekend but that changed quick as soon as it hit Monday. It has gotten cooler by the week that now I’m constantly dressing in my “in-between” gear. I have been mostly absent from the blog this month up until now as I’ve been busy with applications and preparing for interviews that at last – success! I can officially announce that I will be starting a new job come 4th June. ☺️ There will be many new changes mentally and physically which I’ll elaborate on in another post as a means to update you on the going-ons in my life. But for now, let’s …

Setting Up a Good Morning, Good Habits Routine

Before I get started, I just want to say that this is a ‘life project’ that I’m still currently working on so it might seem a bit hypocritical of me to write such a post. However, I believe that being open, and writing more about the subject and the lifestyle habits surrounding it, will permit a smoother, positive thought-process that’ll allow me to succeed in the lifestyle that I want. If there’s one thing to know, it’s that practice makes habit. Everyone has habits. Some quite unique, and others which we’re all truly guilty of. What we don’t want is that slump period where your bad habits truly outweigh the good ones – sleeping late, waking up late, no breakfast, meal-skipping, zero exercise…the list goes on. And if you hadn’t noticed, each habit is like a magnet, except it doesn’t attract the opposite! In modern society in particular, I think there is a common excuse to say that we’re too busy to make what is otherwise known as positive change. But if we’re too busy for everything, when …

March in Progress

I am enjoying the pun in the title slightly too much. 😝 Now that we’re in April (!!), I wanted to summarise March almost in diary-form (I say almost since this is a monthly affair, not daily). Did you guess? Today’s tone is more casual and a stream of consciousness. This is in response to my earlier post, Embarking on a Fitter Journey + Why, and will be the first of many. I wasn’t initially going to write progress posts but I think this exercise will benefit me greatly. Sometimes it’s too much to keep up with new changes and habits, so it’s just easier to record it in one place so that I can unravel my thoughts and decide what works, what doesn’t. Also – I figured that being open has helped A LOT in this process so far, so why not continue being open? General Lifestyle I am waking up earlier and have been slowly improving my morning routine which includes making my bed, having a good breakfast, a quick but effective skincare routine. …

Embarking on a Fitter Journey + Why

I initially wanted to call this ‘Embarking on a Fitness Journey’ but I felt that it wasn’t quite technically correct so instead, I’ve slightly altered it to being a fitter journey. There are a couple of reasons for this which will tie in with today’s overall topic: lifestyle and fitness, and why I’ve decided to make the changes I want to make or why I’m even deciding to write about it now. As a side note too, it’s possible that in the next few months, I will not be posting as many beauty-related posts, but instead, swapping them for posts like this since I want to start making fitness my priority. This blog is after all, an embodiment of my current lifestyles, happenings and likes. 🙂 So…what inspired me to embark on a fitter journey? Keep reading! I had an epiphany. That’s really it. I had an epiphany a few weeks ago, during and after my trip to Hong Kong at which point I thought, I really needed to take my fitness seriously. Both diet …

Why Blogging Will Always Have a Place Above YouTube

In truth, I have watched YouTube longer than I have been reading blogs and occupying my own combined. However my disinterest in YouTube (with the exception of things like music videos, trailers, snippets of TV talk shows which I guess, technically don’t count) has been growing by the day. If anything, 2017 YouTube was quite the step backwards, at least for me – the shadiness, the slander, the multiple copies…I really could go on. Gone are those days of 2004/05 funny videos (actual funny content) that we could share. Gone are those days of 2008/09 how-to/beauty videos that was simple with no unnecessary drama. Unfiltered, minimal editing (but still effective) with a relatable attitude. Nowadays, I find myself not being able to relate. Is it just me? If you know the YouTube drama that started 2018, then you know. If you don’t know, then maybe do some research (it won’t be hard to find, it really went global and there are response videos all over YouTube too). Apparently there has been other drama too in the beauty …