All posts filed under: Writing and Creative Thinking

Why Blogging Will Always Have a Place Above YouTube

In truth, I have watched YouTube longer than I have been reading blogs and occupying my own combined. However my disinterest in YouTube (with the exception of things like music videos, trailers, snippets of TV talk shows which I guess, technically don’t count) has been growing by the day. If anything, 2017 YouTube was quite the step backwards, at least for me – the shadiness, the slander, the multiple copies…I really could go on. Gone are those days of 2004/05 funny videos (actual funny content) that we could share. Gone are those days of 2008/09 how-to/beauty videos that was simple with no unnecessary drama. Unfiltered, minimal editing (but still effective) with a relatable attitude. Nowadays, I find myself not being able to relate. Is it just me? If you know the YouTube drama that started 2018, then you know. If you don’t know, then maybe do some research (it won’t be hard to find, it really went global and there are response videos all over YouTube too). Apparently there has been other drama too in the beauty …

All The Things That Worry Me

Hello all! I hope that everyone is having a chill Sunday so far. Sorry for being MIA lately. I decided that I needed some time off from digital space and instead of force-writing some posts (even if I do have a million ideas), I decided that I needed a break because I wasn’t in the best of moods to write. (See last post: The Fruits of My Life.) Don’t worry. As negative as the title sounds, I promise that this isn’t a negative post by any means. Think of it as a prelude to everything else that follows in this section of my blog: ‘Writing and Creative Thinking’. Think of it as…because I’m writing, that I am okay. After all, I am sharing something with you. 🙂 I have had this idea…these ideas, for quite some time now and I’m happy to announce that I will be writing an unlimited number of posts. I guess you can call it a series because I’ll be numbering each post as the series goes on, for as long as there’s something …

The Rawness of My Skin

Skin. My skin at least. It’s a constant battle. There’s the calm before the storm. Then there’s the aftermath which is the worse bit as you’re left to pick up the pieces and attempt to ‘fix’ your skin again. (I hate that word. It’s such an artificial word and suggests there was something very wrong when many more people suffer the same way.) It destroys your confidence and you feel like you’re back to zero again. Back to square one. The feeling of heartbreak at this point, is quite an understatement as you look to calm yourself (and your skin) down again but inevitably just feel all-round shitty about yourself. Feeling deflated and deadbeat is probably a better way to put it. Although don’t get me wrong, I have my good days too and generally have better control now. The idea of skin first came to my attention at the age of 12. And I’m not even talking about acne, pimples and blemishes although I did experience those things. I’m talking about a skin condition that solidly …

I have a conscience.

My mind had not really sparked a light for wanting to write anything in particular these past few months as I was so busy prepping for an array of things. Things that do not concern writing, after all writing is my side hobby, my side job and somehow, something that I have become accustomed to quite quickly. Although, I will say there is pressure to release written material when I am no way a writing professional and needless to say, it is not everyday that I have stories to tell, feelings to spill. But should I feel bad about that? Well, no of course not. Except here’s the deal: everyone has expectations. You have expectations for yourself, as do your parents, siblings, friends and lover. You will also have unconscious expectations of all the things around you: the food you eat, the music you listen to, the places you go. It happens. If the feelings meet or even go as far as to surpass the expectations, you’ll feel fulfilled, joyous, exhilarated. However, if the expectations are …

Being the Only Creative in your Group of Friends

It’s a gloomy Monday, and needless to say, it rained. All day. Okay, maybe a little exaggeration but you get the picture. So nothing new there for British weather, as it’s meant to rain now for the rest of the week. Anyways, how’s everyone? I hope well 🙂 Today’s post is very different to my usual posts (or at least what I have posted so far) but nonetheless, has always been relevant to my being. I am telling it like it is. How it was, and how it (sort of) still is. Just as the title describes. I suppose it’s nothing new actually but I do feel that people never talk about it (i.e. like the elephant in the room). I think I have always been creative, although I was equally very good at school and did well academically. But most of this was on my own. Being creative I mean. I was always interested in crafty things, and just seeing how things worked, held together…the tricks of the trade. Maybe it was just a hobby at …