All posts tagged: diary

May in Progress

As I began a new job position this week, I managed to squeeze in some free time in the evening to write this post! So far so good – I’m in a really happy place at the moment and I can’t wait to update you more on this new part of my life but for now, my May in Progress! General Lifestyle I’m generally more mindful of everything that I do now and therefore making more rational lifestyle choices. For example, if I’ve already had a cup of tea, I would perhaps have another one a few hours later but never a third. In addition to the last point, I am reading more information on food packets, on different fitness regimes etc. in order to get me thinking about these different areas. Although I’m not necessarily counting my calories or my steps, accumulated actions do have consequences and I’m thinking more about that. This has actually really helped ease bad habits and phase them out. Thinking about it now, my mood has been mostly neutral …

If We Were Having Coffee #2

Hi everyone! My internet has been absolutely rubbish for reasons that I do not know. To put it straight, it has felt a bit painful to surf the internet and/or blog with fear of things not saving and I just hate that. I can’t believe that that’s probably the speed of the internet that I used in the 90s. Yikes. Anyone else ever use the NTL cable internet circa 1999? It was horrific! Anyhow, I am in a chatty mood right now with a craving for coffee. I’ll wait though but by all means, grab yours and we shall have a catch-up! šŸ˜Š If we were having coffee, I’d tell you: I’m in the process of moving! It is almost there – I just need to bring more clothes over and one or two more pieces of furniture and I’m all set. I’m not moving anymore far – just to my brother’s spare room but it’ll be so nice to have a new space prior to starting my new job. I’m especially excited to re-organise …

Life Update: New Job, New Everything, a Plan B

I’m not someone who does a life update as such…I would even consider myself as quite a private person but since there are two major things we spend a lot of hours doing in our life – working and sleeping, I thought I could at least update you with one of those things. As you may know from one of my recent posts, I have a new job that I will be starting in June! It has been a bit of a struggle to find new direction – tough even so I’m happy to be able to move forward and take a plan B. It was quite the challenge for sure and through it, I faced some of my fears which actually were not so fearful. Even now, I haven’t quite processed the news but I’m sure once I start, it’ll be quite the journey. There is a 4-week induction period and overall, a 6-month probation. This is all very new territory to me so I’m not quite sure what to expect. On interview day …

April in Progress

Without a doubt, this is a late post in-the-making for today’s summary of how April went. That month is a blur to me and having just checked the date properly, I don’t even want to think about time! I honestly feel like I’ve only just come back from Hong Kong so in my mind, it is still technically February. šŸ˜‚Ā The bipolar weather doesn’t help either – we had a fantastically glorious bank holiday weekend but that changed quick as soon as it hit Monday. It has gotten cooler by the week that now I’m constantly dressing in my “in-between” gear. I have been mostly absent from the blog this month up until now as I’ve been busy with applications and preparing for interviews that at last – success! I can officially announce that I will be starting a new job come 4th June. ā˜ŗļøĀ There will be many new changes mentally and physically which I’ll elaborate on in another post as a means to update you on the going-ons in my life. But for now, let’s …

If We Were Having Coffee #1

Today is one of those days where I’m feeling a bit “bleurgh!” but despite so, I want to write to my heart’s content. It’s a healthy habit don’t you think? I don’t smoke. I don’t drink. Certainly don’t do drugs but I’m learning to write more, especially when it comes to styles that display my stream of consciousness. If you were to open up my brain (well let’s be honest, that’s dangerous and I’d probably die), then here are the lingering thoughts that you’d see. Or on a lighter note, if we were having coffee, I’d tell you: I don’t think I can share enough in words of how freeing blogging makes me feel and the sanity that it gives me. Am I allowed to say that it makes me feel secure and very real as a person? Am I insecure for admitting so? There are moments in life – especially now more than ever, where I feel a bit alienated and patronised however I don’t believe in retaliating. Creativity is a great thing when …