All posts tagged: Inspiration

Finding Inspiration

Everyone has their own way of finding inspiration. The most natural way is when the ideas just flow and come to you, when you’re not forcing yourself to find the perfect idea. Because the more you force it, the more you end up getting stuck. There is no right or wrong way to being an artist just as there is no right or wrong way to finding inspiration; however I do think there are positive patterns to follow to reach an enlightening stage. I also think one of the biggest misinterpretations of being an artist (of any kind), is that you must aim to be ‘original’. Originality just doesn’t exist today because our libraries of knowledge have increased so vastly that everything we do and make is an amalgamation of something that we have seen and learnt from someone or something else. Furthermore, we are usually copying from something. (Please do note that this is different to plagiarism). Copying is not bad – it’s how we learn, improve and carve our craft. I’m currently reading …

Bullet Journal Planning & Flatlays

Alas! The post that I was meant to have up last week, if only it didn’t rain! (Typical British weather, really.) It’s getting to the end of August now and needless to say, this is a late post in-the-making so expect a long one. 😉 (If you’re a follower of some time, you’re probably used to my long posts by now; if you’re new – I’m sorry! But you’ll have to get used to this, haha!) Enjoy! One of the things that I love using my bullet journal for is to list down products and ideas for the blog. These may be products for favourites, to buy and try out in the future and for review. I’ve kept these pages really simple and information-friendly – it’s strictly a list with a note beside it if I think it’s necessary. I’ve since listed my favourites when on-the-go, on my phone, using the app Google Keep. I even list my to-be-empties and tick them off once I’ve 100% finished. It sounds silly but sometimes I actually forget …

Tumblr Taught Me: All The Ways to Wear a Sweater

I love a good sweater, do you? Okay, that wasn’t a very bright question because I can’t imagine anyone who doesn’t love a good sweater! The only time you might not like one is if it’s not a good sweater at all (very dependent on fit and feel for me) or if you’re not quite wearing it right and making the most of it! I am a large hoarder of pretty things. On the internet. (See what I did there? Albeit, in real life I hoard what I can because…limitations.) And my recent platform for that is Tumblr. (Yes, I’m very late to the game.) These are just a snippet of pins that I’ve reblogged on my Tumblr over time that I think are full of sweater-envy and style-envy. Are you ready? Broken is Beautiful Your sweater has a large hole in it? Don’t throw it away just yet! I know. It’s disheartening when your favourite piece of knitwear gets caught on a piece of jewellery or some other device and gets ruined. But it’s still not a …

Special Thanks to ‘M’

It is no surprise that everyone goes through a ‘phase’, at which half the time, you find that it is a personal battle. Otherwise, it is a state of growing up and well, a part of life which eventually, you move on from. Things can only truly get better. And when you’re really young, you take such statement for granted and think of the worse, when in reality, the ‘worse’ has barely touched you. Now, I realise things can only truly get better…the best is yet to come. Of course, growing up and becoming an actual ‘adult’ takes time to feed on. Even I am just about getting used to it all. Sounds silly, right? But there is one thing that I’ve learned and that I want to share on this blog. I used to be a really quiet and shy kid. Admittedly, I still am that person because that will never go away but I’ve developed into someone being more sure of herself. I remember about two or three years after finishing high school, …