Beauty & Skincare, Lifestyle
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Quarterly Favourites #1

Some new changes! I decided to follow a new set-up for my Favourites posts. Although these are my favourite to write (oh, the irony), I am not as inspired to write them monthly anymore. Or rather, I should say I don’t have that many unique favourites each month to show you. There are some months where I’m still in love with the previous month’s favourites or where I haven’t tried anything new. Or worse yet, where I don’t like anything. So instead, I’m combining 3 months of favourites into one. I think this is more realistic anyways – I use products for months on end!

If you hadn’t already noticed, I completely skipped February because I didn’t use anything particularly new. I probably only had two favourites so a post seemed pointless on those two items. My January Monthly Favourites still stands, of course, but for a moment, let’s just pretend I’m starting new and showing you my favourites from January to March.

To change things up a bit more, I am including lifestyle favourites too and not just beauty!

Okay, let’s start.



Featured in this post:

Sleek Makeup Face Form in Light
NYX Away We Glow Liquid Highlighter in ‘Moonbeam’

Nike Training Club (NTC)

Tunnel (K-drama)
Despicable Me 3

LIVARNO Shoe Rack (at Lidl)
Pentel Energel XM Retractable Gel Pen 0.7mm*

*Linked is a pack of 12. What I purchased is a single from Waterstones.


Given my recent Hong Kong Super Beauty Haul post, perhaps you were expecting this section to be fuller? I haven’t actually gotten round to opening majority of the items since I need to finish other ones first. However, having said all that, everything I’m talking about in this category is new! (But within reason…you’ll see.)

I purchased the Sleek Makeup Face Form in Light a few days before I left for Hong Kong, but never actually opened and tried it till March. (FYI – I didn’t take it with me.) I had not yet tried Sleek Makeup but I have always heard amazing things about its inexpensiveness and pigmentation so here was my chance.


Sleek Makeup Face Form in Light – swatches | The bronzer appears a tad warmer than it actually looks in real life. I am not a bronzer person per se but I rather like this tone!

I can see this as a great palette for travel or on-the-go! The packaging is so sleek and slim – it’s a perfect size really to chuck in your bag. Most importantly, the product itself creates a natural, healthy and glowy look that’s versatile for everyday or for more glamorous occasions. The contour is the right tone, it’s warming but not too warm. (Apparently it’s a dupe for the Too Faced Chocolate Soleil bronzer?) The highlight is natural to my delight and does the job. The blush is my favourite for sure – a peachy, corally pink that gives you such a lovely glow. I’m in love.


NYX Away We Glow Liquid Highlighter in ‘Moonbeam’ – swatches | Unblended vs. Blended

In that same haul, I purchased the NYX Away We Glow Liquid Highlighter in ‘Moonbeam’. Believe it or not – I’m only just about getting into highlighters now! I always expressed a great disinterest to highlighters (especially chunky ones) because I don’t like the idea of adding texture or unnecessary shine to my face. However, I realised that there are some really nice, natural but glowy ones on the market…so something for everyone. This one in particular is the type that leaves a nice sheen on your skin so nothing crazy yet it’s still highlight-y and impactful. I want to get State of Flux and Crystal Glare next!

Sadly, no skincare to share this time! Maybe next?



The voice message function is very well-used on WeChat by Chinese natives. I know this is available on WhatsApp too but A) WhatsApp is not available in China and B) the voice message function doesn’t seem to be popularly used?

I recently downloaded WeChat in order to contact my cousin in China since WhatsApp and many other apps are blocked in the country. (As a side note, it’s fine in Hong Kong, just not in Mainland China so if you have a Google phone, get WeChat before you travel!) This app is virtually used by everyone who has a smart phone – it’s ridiculous but I can totally see why. It’s honestly a Instagram/Twitter/Facebook combined into one! You can instant-message or send voice notes with ease, download stickers (like emojis), upload ‘moments’ which are essentially photos, along with a short written statement. The best part is the security because only your friends can see your profile and vice versa so no stalking. (Considering the Facebook scandal, this is very important!)

Now, you probably already know but at the moment, I am working on getting back into fitness so that I can be just that – fitter. On my old phone, I downloaded the Nike Training Club (NTC) app and loved it. It’s been  about two years since I’ve used the app but I firmly remember it being very interactive, and having very useful and enjoyable workouts. Now that I’ve re-discovered it again, it has improved a lot! The app runs a lot smoother now and instead of downloading every single workout, you are in-control of what workout you want to download. You can also review each workout move visually, one-by-one before doing any of it which proves useful if you’re a beginner/novice or just worried about form.


Shock fact: I don’t have a Netflix account. 


But I do watch quite a bit of k-drama and here’s another recommendation: Tunnel. I finished this series in a week – it is so good. It follows the serial murders of young women in a Korean district but the murderer has not yet been found. These murders, that start in roughly 1985, introduces us to the main character Park Kwang-Ho, a cop investigating on this particular case. It has everyone driven up the wall because the murderer is extremely clean and meticulous. Some events happen, and Kwang-Ho time-travels 30 years later into the future via a tunnel, and it is 2016. Everything has changed except the exact same type of murders start taking place again which can only mean the murderer is still on the loose…

If you love a good thriller/mystery/suspense drama with a tinge of melodrama, then this is it. The writing is incredibly rich and the characters, although quite sorrowful, are very relatable.


Admittedly, I don’t watch near enough films but I did get a chance to view a couple on the plane to and from Hong Kong! I particularly enjoyed Despicable Me 3. I know, what a big kid. But I always think it’s great to watch an animation film once in a while – it really gives nothing but positive vibes! I got a few good chuckles out of it too which is always a good thing.


These last few favourites are seriously random. However, it’s made quite the impact in my lifestyle.

The first is a LIVARNO Shoe Rack, which may sound so ridiculous to put in a favourites, but has made the house so much more tidier because of it. I bought it for no more than £20 at Lidl before sitting in my living room for months until I decided to DIY it from its flat-packed state. What I love in particular is that it’s discreet since there is a cover so the shoes don’t have to be on display. Of course, I did have a previous shoe rack but that one was quite useless since it was on a tilt and shoes would fall off easily if the rack wobbled even slightly. I no longer have to worry about this problem!


The shoe rack probably comes off as being quite boring in the photo, but in the actual living room, it looks great! You can see my old shoe rack still on the side there.


Each pair of shoes has its own slot which makes it so much easier to organise (and protect) shoes that are not in-use.

The other ridiculous favourite is a pen. More specifically, the Pentel Energel XM Retractable Gel Pen 0.7mm. To be honest, I’m surprised that I haven’t talked about this yet because I’ve loved it ever since I bought it from Waterstones. It’s a very smooth-writing pen that makes journalling, note-making or writing in general, that much more enjoyable. The nib is sharp so it doesn’t bleed, nor is the ink hard either – it just works and it’s comfortable to hold. I am actually quite picky when it comes to pens but this one makes me want to write all the time!

Feel free to share what your favourites have been down below! ⬇️ I have been quite inactive due to new things happening in my life – perhaps I will share soon? Who knows.

I imagine that my next quarterly favourites post will be at the end of June which seems miles away but probably not, with the speed that this year has been going so far… Anyhow, this new set-up will give me so much more flexibility in producing fresh new material so I can’t wait to share! See you soon.

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  1. I love time travel concepts, I’ll have to try it after I finish my currents! Also, does the Nike app let you customize the workouts? I wanted to try it but I didn’t want to make an account.

    • Oh yeah! I remember now that you watch k-drama too. 😊 What are you currently watching/what’s your favourite? There’s so many I want to watch but it also depends on my mood! Like if I want something lighthearted, I’ll go for comedy/slice-of-life, if I want something sad then melodrama, etc. Except right now, I’m struggling to finish a series…

      From what I can remember, I don’t believe you can! I’ll have to look again but pretty sure you can’t.

      • I’m exactly the same! I’m currently watching Mister, I love IU and this role is so different from what we usually get from her and it’s different. You want to understand the characters. I also am watching Evergreen while I wait for new episodes of Mister. Evergreen is pretty light hearted and it has a fresh concept that is not over done. 🙂

        I can finish series but sometimes I’ll get bored but recently, I have done better with certain dramas like W, Into the New World, and some others that I felt were really good. lol

      • Oh I have seen the poster for Mister the other day – what is it? Suspense drama? I am currently watching I’m Not A Robot but struggling to finish the last couple of episodes because I don’t agree with some of the character’s actions…yet I want to see how it all ends and such. Conflicted much lol.

        W was fantastic! Don’t think I’ll ever come across another series quite like it.

      • Oh I saw that and I didn’t try it but definitely I know the feeling lol. Mister is more of a slice of life. IU is playing a troubled woman who is weighed down by life and has made choices that aren’t good to survive but deep down she struggles with them. Even through she struggles with her choices, she doesn’t get a break or a chance to breathe and move past her mistakes. She comes across the male lead, who is a good person and I really like it. It’s fresh and realistic but I’m waiting for silver linings to show up.

        I also have yet to find something similar! And I love that actor, his dramas are always so refreshing.

  2. I really don’t have that many pairs of shoes, now that I think about it! I’ve worn both my boots to death and need a casual canvas shoe for the summer, though, so I need to get on that quick now the weather has warmed up a little.
    I get so excited when the sun shines these days, it’s ridiculous. I’m less excited about showing my skin and legs in the heat and all that, but I’ll worry about it when I get to it!

  3. I totally agree with you about monthly favourites. For most people, our favourites don’t change that much from month to month!

    It’s kind of funny, I find that the more products you haul at once (ie your HK haul), the more you tend to get overwhelmed and then end up taking forever to try everything. At least that is the case for me!

    I love that you’re getting into highlighter now. That stuff is my jam!

    That Nike app sounds very interesting, I’ve never heard of it before. I’ll have to remember to look into it!

    One is never too old to watch animations. Despicable Me 3 was cute!

    • I am starting to get through my HK haul. It is likely that I will open the new cleanser and exfoliator soon because I don’t like the current cleanser that I am using; but for the sake of a review (spoiler alert), it hasn’t happened just yet.

      Nike actually have a few apps. Am sure they have an app that’s dedicated to running and records the trail that you’ve just ran, the mileage and time etc. But I’m not a runner so NTC is better for me. 😝

      LOVED Despicable Me 3. It’s a perfect family movie that’s not too young but really something everyone can enjoy.

  4. I remember when the Nike app first came out and I had a friend that used it. I’ve never actually used the workouts before, but it’s great you are finding it useful. Do you do a lot of workouts using it?

    • I like to change up my workouts now and again so it’s useful to have a few choices to turn to. 🙂 In general, I am on Cassey’s (Blogilates on YouTube) PIIT28 program which I purchased, but I also like to turn to this app on days when I have even less time…say, 20 minutes. It’s just as challenging since you are using your body weight mostly. Do you workout too? What’s your routine like? 🙂

      • I really like Shaun T workouts for intense cardio. I have a machine at home called total crunch which I think is great, and then I use resistant bands and light weights.
        I do use YouTube a lot and I like the ballet workout channels. And I run with my sister if the weather is nice.
        Cassey’s workouts are great! Blogilates is one of the best workout channels. 🙂

      • Shaun T is definitely hardcore! People also talk a lot about the Insanity workouts and P90 however I definitely don’t think I’m anywhere near that level yet. Sounds like you have a great workout plan though!

  5. Ooh I like that Livarno shoe rack! I need something like that at work… 😆 I have 2 baskets where I keep my shoes and they get crushed.

    Hey, having a favourite pen is NOT ridiculous! I just discovered a new favourite pen from MUJI. It’s their hexagon shaped oil ink pen – so smooth and feels great in the hand. I am personally not a fan of gel inks simply because they can bleed onto the other side of the paper.

    • I realised baskets for shoes were a thing a few years ago! Until then, I only knew about shoe racks and cupboards. The baskets never appealed to me though.

      Haha, thanks for the reassurance. 😝 I really wanted to buy some pens from MUJI! But when I went in HK, the line was ridiculously long and I didn’t have the time to wait just to buy a few pens since I was meeting people. But ah – I know what you mean about the gel pens. This one just makes my handwriting that’s already neat anyway, look even better. (Because you know, some pens actually make your handwriting uglier which is interesting…)

  6. Ooh, the NYX Away We Glow Liquid Highlighter looks great!! I’ve recently gotten into highlighters as well. I just never really thought about adding highlight before and stuck with blush. I’ve been really liking it lately though, and have found some really natural products perfect for everyday wear 🙂 Wonderful post!!

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