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If We Were Having Coffee #5

Happy new year, loves!

I actually haven’t written one of these in a good 5/6 months so what better way to start the year off than with some coffee time on the blog?

It’s undoubtedly still winter so grab your hot beverage and catch up with me below on where I’ve been and what I have set for 2020:

If we were having coffee, I would tell you…

  • Like every year, I make a group of New Years resolutions. Obviously, a good half of them are the same like any other year – read more, do more exercise, eat better, sleep better. This year, I decided that I would learn to cook and make some yummy new dishes. Towards the end of 2019, I got really bored of what I was bringing into work everyday food-wise – I just felt uninspired. I love food but to not put that same passion into cooking is quite frankly disappointing. I mean, I know how to cook but it would just be nice to make something new and get inspired again so I’m starting with my food palette. I’ll finally be able to put some recipe books that I’ve set aside for years into practice too!

  • I’m hitting the reset button with the blog. I know I’ve been terrible with keeping track of it, of you, of anything that is non-work related in the latter half of 2019. I’m looking to put things different in 2020 and actually come up with a blogging plan which can you believe it – I have never done before. (I’m a joke, ha!) I have a huge Empties pile which I’ll have to split into at least 3 posts. I also want to tap into a different niche which is more self-care/mental health related. In the meantime, follow me on my Instagram where I sometimes ‘micro-blog’. 🙂
  • Speaking of reset, I hope you all had a great holiday season? I have had a good few weeks off work – a break that I have not received since end of August when I traveled to Edinburgh which even then, was work-related! (Although, fun and relaxing.) It felt SO good to sleep until a later time and simply enjoy…doing nothing. I have to admit it was weird at first because I was so used to doing something ALL THE TIME. I’ll be back in work on Monday which in some weird way, I am looking forward to as it’ll give me structure and routine in my life again!

  • Perhaps more retrospectively, I should acknowledge 2019 for the year that it was (for me)! It started a bit shaky but it got better as the year went on. Of course, I had some insecurities here and there – I’m only human after all. But I battled through them by gaining confidence in myself and realising from other people’s perspectives, how they truly see me. It was like my bubble burst and I finally found out that I can be confident, that at the best of times I am confident; that I can be a people-person, that I am a people-person. It has been a real game-changer and honestly, I can only see 2020 as a continuation of that self-growth. How did 2019 treat you and what would you like to see in 2020?
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“Pretend it’s your birthday and make a wish!”, my sister-in-law says. I knew this picture was going to be good for something! All jokes aside, HAPPY NEW YEAR FRIENDS! 🤩✨ | I thought about joining in on the 10 year challenge but I feel that might get a bit long-winded and er, one does not want to dig up old (i.e. embarrassing) gems. 😂 So instead, here’s a showreel to gather my top highlights of 2019 (although not limited to just these photos!): • By far my greatest achievement in 2019 is overcoming my anxiety of driving. It’s not something that I openly talk about (although I have opened up recently to close friends about it) but am hoping to write a blog post on it soon. I no longer feel anxious when I’m in the driver’s seat. Of course, I still get a little nervous in which case, I just turn the music up! (…and sing if am on my own) 🙃 I’m one of those people who believe there’s TIMING for certain things and this happens to be one of them! • My brother got married! (Not highlighted here cos stupid me forgot and now I have no space to add but check out my highlight stories if interested.) I’m happy that you found your happiness. Thanks for being a pair of idiots that make me laugh everyday on your silly jokes. • Summer is barely my favourite season but summer of 2019 was by far my favourite in years! Being with the best people in the world, living my best life and for once, being at peace. My skin was also great so that was a bonus. (I suffer from psoriasis and summer is usually a bitch for it hence it not being my favourite season.) • Being part of @syjames91 hen do and later, having my bridesmaid dream filled! Just kidding! (About the dream part I mean.) Such an honour and so happy to have had @leigh.k.a be part of it all too. It was a first time experience and it couldn’t have gone any better. Wish we could do it all over again BUT they do say time goes quick when you’re having fun! 😅🥳 • Lastly…thank you to me. Anyone who knows me well knows how hard I can be on myself. Like incredibly hard. But I’ve cut myself a lot of slack this year and have developed so much in my own self-growth and confidence. So here’s to continuous growth, both you and me✨

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Excuse my messy hair on the cover photo!

It would be interesting to know if any of you made New Years resolutions and if so, what? Of course, if you loathe the whole idea of it, I would be just as interested to know what you look forward to in 2020! 🙂

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  1. Happy new year! Lovely to read an update from you. 🙂 Glad you were able to take a little time off work. Funny how that makes you look forward to the next time you go in, huh? That happens to me, too. Self confidence is so important & I think I learned I can be/am a people-person in 2019, too. 😊 Looking forward to your Empties posts! I got one coming up, too!

    • Hey Hunida! Thank you for catching up with me and leaving such a kind comment! 🙂 Self-confidence is HUGE and when you have it, you can achieve so many different things. The Empties post will more than likely be towards the end of the month but I can’t wait to share! Hope you have a great weekend.

      • You are right, it’s hard to achieve almost anything without self-confidence, too. 🙂 Can’t wait for that Empties post!

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