All posts tagged: experiment

How Much Does My Skincare Routine Cost?

It’s probably not the right time in the year to talk about money but everyone knows that I’m a self-proclaimer in not following trends. 😛 Besides, I am not making you buy a product; we are just having a discussion because who hasn’t thought about the accumulated cost of a particular category? I had thought about joining the gym this year but when doing the math, I didn’t think that me spending £300 a year was going to be efficiently used because I actually wouldn’t go (I don’t enjoy it enough to go). Skincare on the other hand…I wouldn’t say I would spend profusely on it but certainly there have been times where I’ve spent money on the whim without looking at descriptions or reviews of the product(s) in question. I have never calculated how much my skincare routine is worth so this could turn out to be very interesting. For those who follow me on Instagram, I already shared one of my skincare routines. That’s right, I am currently running two skincare routines so …